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12740 Janus Ave
Sparta, WI, 54656
United States


A summary of past Club events and activities

Filtering by Category: Announcement

Membership Dues Increase


The club members present at the February 14, 2013 meeting voted to raise the annual dues from $20.00 per family/$5.00 per Senior to $25.00 per family and $10.00 per senior.  The vote, with 16 members present and voting was 11 in favor of the raise, 4 opposed, and one abstention. 

The reason for the increase is to prepare meet future club needs and make some capital improvements to club facilities.  The dues increase will take effect when the 2014 Memberships go on sale in November 2013.  

Couples Fun Night


The club held the annual Couples Fun Night on Saturday, February 16, 2013. A total of 35 couples enjoyed an outstanding prime rib dinner prepared by Moe Amundson.  The night's entertainment consisted of several raffles, and good conversation with other club members and their families. 

Special thanks alsoo out to Jim and Jenice Suhr, Bob Ealey, and others who took the time to set up and run this outstanding event.

5-Stand Shoot a Success


The Club conducted its first Monthly 5-Stand Shoot on February 2, 2013.  A total of 44 shooters participated, despite the chilly temperatures, and had a great time knocking down the clays. 

5-Stand can best be described as a cross between trap and sporting clays. In it the shooter is presented with 5 targets at each stand.  Targets are launched per a set menu, the menu is posted at each shooting stand, and come at the shooter in a single, report pair, and true pair format.  The clays come at the shooter from several different directions and include crossing, incoming, and outgoing targets. 

The club conducts weekly 5-Stand Shooting on Tuesday afternoon and evening, beginning at 4 pm, and will conduct a second Saturday shoot on March 2, 2013.  Come and join us. 

5-Stand Shooting Ends March 19, 2013


March 19, 2013 is the last 5-Stand Shoot for the 2012-2013 winter season.  This event has been very successful over the past several months.  Over 350 shooters participated in this weekly event.  The large number reflects the number of times a single shooter fired one iteration of the 5-Stand course.  This success led to increased use of the club facilities during the winter months and an increase in club income. 

Special thanks go to Gordy Weber and Jon Giraud for their weekly assistance in setting up and running the course over the season.  Thanks also go to Jim Suhr, Dennis Knoll, and Ron Zeigler for their assistance during the two Saturday shoots we conducted in February and March. 

Given the success of this event the club expects to conduct 5-Stand shooting during the 2013-2014 winter months beginning the week after the 2013 Gun Deer Season. 

Shotgun Shooting Sports Simulator


The club has purchased a Shooting Sports Simulator and installed it in the lower club house.  The system, from DryFire USA, allows shooters to practice Trap, Sporting Clays, and Skeet shooting indoors.  This simulator allows a shooter to practice the various shotgun disciplines using his or her own shotgun, a laser designator, and a trigger switch assembly. 

The laser and switch assembly are temporarily mounted on the shooter's shotgun.  Once mounted the shooter can then engage a variety of targets just as if they were shooting outdoors.  The only thing missing is the cost of ammunition and the recoil. 

One club shooter, who has already used the system commented that he simply fired the shotgun just as if he was on the outdoor trap field.  The Dry Fire System we purchased also allows the club to conduct squad shooting for up to five shooters at a time. 

If you want to see the system in operation come to the club house on any Tuesday evening and bring your favorite shotgun.  The simulator will also be set up for the 5 Stand Fun Shoot on February 2, 2013.

Master Plan


The club is planning on developing a master plan to improve club operations, facilities, and membership.  This plan, developed over the next several months, will address needed and desired capital improvements to all club facilities, enhance club operations, and increase membership participation in club activities.

If you wish to be part of this effort attend the November 2012 club meeting and help us initiate this strategic initiative.

Updated Range Rules


The club is updating the range rules to reflect restrictions on types of targets and simulated automatic weapons firing (bump firing).  Due to noise concerns the club will prohibit the use of exploding targets on all ranges.  Some of the larger exploding targets have the possibility of disturbing the clubs neighbors.  We intend to specifically prohibit simulated automatic weapons firing, sometimes called bump firing.  This firing technique does not permit controlled and aimed weapons fire.  Given the tight confines of our ranges and the need to ensure all rounds impact within the designated range area and inside the berms simulated automatic weapons fire, sometimes called bump firing, is prohibited.

Election of Club Officers


At the February 2012 meeting the club members present elected a new club president and change the required number of directors on the Executive Committee. 

Chris Goodman was nominated and elected club president.  He will assume his duties in March.  Special thanks go out to Paul Nelson for his service as club president over these past few years. 

The members present also elected to reduce the size of the Executive Committee tofour directors, plus the three club officers. 

Gordy Weber, Dale Simonson, Jeff Jerde, and Paul Nelson were nominated and elected as members of the Executive Committee.