2024 Sparta 100 Bird Scores
Sparta Gun Club
View scores from the Sparta Rod and Gun club 100 bird shoots
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View scores from the Sparta Rod and Gun club 100 bird shoots
Read MoreStay up-to-date with the standings for the 2-Person and 5-Person Trap Leagues.
Rifle and pistol ranges will be closed at 11:00
Read MoreThe Coulee League will be starting up soon, check here for results of the 6 week league.
Read MoreRange clean up went well, nine volunteers came to assist cleaning up and repairing/replacing frames and boards. Thanks goes out to Ben, Justin, Tiffany, Hunter, Ian, Chad and son and Jim for their support in helping clean up the range.
Read MoreSparta Rod & Gun Club is pleased to announce that our $1000 Annual Scholarship was awarded to Hunter Guy.
Scholarship being awarded on May 8th to Hunter Guy by Jef Jerde, Sparta Rod & Gun Club Secretary and Scholarship Committee Chairman
The 2016 Sparta Rod & Gun Club Annual Letter is available for download to all who are interested.
Read MoreThe 2014 Sporting Clays season will conclude on October 14, 2014. This season has been extremely successful for the club and provided entertainment for over 500 shooters since April 1.
Special thanks go out to the crew who sets up and runs the sporting clays course. This crew includes Jon Giraud, Dennis Knoll, and Pat Peck. Without their hard work we would not have had a record breaking season.
The club has constructed two new archery practice ranges. The first is a 40 yard range built on the upper club grounds (next to the playground equipment). This ranges has three targets and is marked in 10 yard increments. A second 80 yard range was constructed on the lower club grounds in the "pine plantation". This range also has three targets and is marked in 10 yard increments.
Both ranges support traditional, compound, and crossbow archery. The only restriction is we do not allow broadhead arrows on either range. Users must have a current membership or day pass.
The club has rebuilt the archery range located next to the playground on the upper club grounds. The range has three new targets and is marked in 10 yard increments from 10 to 40 yards.
Special thanks go to Jon Giraud for heading up this project and to Ron Zeigler and Dennis Knoll for their assistance in constructing the new range.
The club also plans on constructing a second archery range in the pine plantation this year. We anticipate being able to provide targets for cross bows and up to a 100 yard firing line.
The club now has a roof over both the 50- and 100-yard ranges. The 100-yard range roof was completed in the fall of 2013. The 50-yard roof was completed in July 2014.
A crew of 8 volunteers completed construction in about 5 days. The roof covers the entire range line for the pistol, 15, 25, and 50 yard ranges.
Special thanks go to Dale, Don, Pat, Jon, Gordy, Jeff, Ron, and Bill for their efforts in completing this worthwhile project.