2024 Sparta 100 Bird Scores
Sparta Gun Club
View scores from the Sparta Rod and Gun club 100 bird shoots
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View scores from the Sparta Rod and Gun club 100 bird shoots
Read MoreStay up-to-date with the standings for the 2-Person and 5-Person Trap Leagues.
Rifle and pistol ranges will be closed at 11:00
Read MoreThe Coulee League will be starting up soon, check here for results of the 6 week league.
Read MoreRange clean up went well, nine volunteers came to assist cleaning up and repairing/replacing frames and boards. Thanks goes out to Ben, Justin, Tiffany, Hunter, Ian, Chad and son and Jim for their support in helping clean up the range.
Read MoreThe Sparta Rod & Gun Club will be sponsoring a Sight-In Clinic on Saturday, the 12th of November 2016 (the weekend prior to the opening of the Wisconsin Gun Deer season).
Read MoreOver Aug 22-23, 2015, the club raised approximately $1000 for donation to the Sparta Area Cancer Society (SACS).
Read MoreThe club conducted the annual fundraiser shoot on Aug 23 & 24, 2014. This shoot included Singles and ATA Doubles Trap, as well as a 50 & 100 Bird Sporting Clays Fun Shoot. A total of 87 shooters participated in this event and ensured a successful shoot for all.
Special thanks go the Trap Support Team and the Sporting Clays Team for making this a successful and fun shoot for all participants. Thanks also go out to the volunteers who manned the kitchen and bar.
The club will conduct 5-Stand Shotgun Shooting on Tuesday nights beginning Dec 4. Open shooting will begin at 5 pm.
5-Stand shooting involves the shooter engaging a series of five targets from each stand. Targets are presented in a variety of attitudes and consist of a single clay and two pairs of clays per stand. Shooters engage a variety of targets at each stand.
Cost is $5 per round (25 birds). Come and join us on Tuesday evenings this winter and shoot under the lights.
The Rinehart 100 was held over the weekend of July 27 & 28, 2013. Over 700 people participated in this, the biggest R-100 Shoot in the midwest.
Once again this was an extremely successful event and special thanks go the the 40+ volunteers who assisted in the set up, operation of, and take down of the event.
The club will be conducting Sporting Clays Open Shoots on Tuesday evenings for the balance of the shooting season. Registration begins at 5 pm and shooting will continue until dusk. Anticipated cost is $12 for a fifty bird shoot. Come down and give it a try.