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12740 Janus Ave
Sparta, WI, 54656
United States


A summary of past Club events and activities

Filtering by Tag: 5-Stand Shooting

5-Stand Season Off to a Good Start


The 2014-2015 5 Stand Shooting on Tuesday evenings is off to an excellent start. Come join us every Tuesday evening for a fun shoot from a heated and covered shooting stand. 5 Stand is a cross between Trap and Sporting Clays. Shooters engage a series of 25 targets presented as incoming, outgoing, and crossing birds. Each shooter engages 5 targets at each of the 5 stands. 

Cost is $5.00 per shooter ($3.00 for youth under 14 years old). Shooting starts at 3 pm and continues until all shooters have completed as many rounds as they want.

February 5-Stand Shoot Another Success


The club held its third Saturday 5 Stand Fun Shoot on February 1, 2014 and it was another solid success.  75 shooters participated in the event and all had an enjoyable time despite the temperatures.  The heated shooting stand did help considerably though.  We were able to break the record number participants, set in January, and look forward to the final Saturday 5-Stand shoot scheduled for March 1st.  Hopefully we will have some warmer temperatures for that event. 

Special thanks go to the volunteers who made this event another outstanding success, particularly the people who worked the kitchen and bar, registered shooters, and guaranteed a smooth flow for all participants.

January 5-Stand Fun Shoot a Success


The club held a second 5-Stand Fun Shoot on January 4, 2014 and it was a resounding success.  Over 70 shooters participated in the event despite the cold weather.  All shooters seemed to have had a great time.  The total number of shooters far surpassed previous Saturday 5 Stand shoots. 

Special thanks go to the volunteers who made this event a success, particularly the people who worked the kitchen and bar, registered shooters, and ensure a smooth flow for all participants.

December 5-Stand Shoot


The club conducted its first Saturday Fun Shoot of the 2013-2014 winter season.  Forty shooters participated and enjoyed the event despite the low temperatures. 

Special thanks go to the volunteers who worked in the kitchen, registered the shooters, and ensured a smoothly run event for all participants.

5-Stand Shooting Opens


The club will conduct 5-Stand Shotgun Shooting on Tuesday nights beginning Dec 4.  Open shooting will begin at 5 pm. 

5-Stand shooting involves the shooter engaging a series of five targets from each stand.  Targets are presented in a variety of attitudes and consist of a single clay and two pairs of clays per stand.  Shooters engage a variety of targets at each stand. 

Cost is $5 per round (25 birds).  Come and join us on Tuesday evenings this winter and shoot under the lights.  

5-Stand Shooting Opens Oct 22, 2013


The 5-Stand Shooting Season opens on Tuesday October 22 at 5pm.  We will be conducting 5-Stand Shoots every Tuesday night until April 1, 2014.  This year the course is a little different.  Instead of shooting from stands set out on the trap field we will shoot from a covered structure that protects the shooters from inclement weather.  We also have a more exciting array of targets for the shooters to engage. 

For those who don't know what this fun sport is, 5-Stand is a cross between Trap Shooting and Sporting Clays.  The shooter engages a total of 25 targets from covered shooting stands.  These targets are presented from a variety of angles that include incoming, outgoing, and crossing targets.

5-Stand Shoot a Success


The Club conducted its first Monthly 5-Stand Shoot on February 2, 2013.  A total of 44 shooters participated, despite the chilly temperatures, and had a great time knocking down the clays. 

5-Stand can best be described as a cross between trap and sporting clays. In it the shooter is presented with 5 targets at each stand.  Targets are launched per a set menu, the menu is posted at each shooting stand, and come at the shooter in a single, report pair, and true pair format.  The clays come at the shooter from several different directions and include crossing, incoming, and outgoing targets. 

The club conducts weekly 5-Stand Shooting on Tuesday afternoon and evening, beginning at 4 pm, and will conduct a second Saturday shoot on March 2, 2013.  Come and join us. 

5-Stand Shooting Ends March 19, 2013


March 19, 2013 is the last 5-Stand Shoot for the 2012-2013 winter season.  This event has been very successful over the past several months.  Over 350 shooters participated in this weekly event.  The large number reflects the number of times a single shooter fired one iteration of the 5-Stand course.  This success led to increased use of the club facilities during the winter months and an increase in club income. 

Special thanks go to Gordy Weber and Jon Giraud for their weekly assistance in setting up and running the course over the season.  Thanks also go to Jim Suhr, Dennis Knoll, and Ron Zeigler for their assistance during the two Saturday shoots we conducted in February and March. 

Given the success of this event the club expects to conduct 5-Stand shooting during the 2013-2014 winter months beginning the week after the 2013 Gun Deer Season.