5-Stand Shooting Ends March 19, 2013
March 19, 2013 is the last 5-Stand Shoot for the 2012-2013 winter season. This event has been very successful over the past several months. Over 350 shooters participated in this weekly event. The large number reflects the number of times a single shooter fired one iteration of the 5-Stand course. This success led to increased use of the club facilities during the winter months and an increase in club income.
Special thanks go to Gordy Weber and Jon Giraud for their weekly assistance in setting up and running the course over the season. Thanks also go to Jim Suhr, Dennis Knoll, and Ron Zeigler for their assistance during the two Saturday shoots we conducted in February and March.
Given the success of this event the club expects to conduct 5-Stand shooting during the 2013-2014 winter months beginning the week after the 2013 Gun Deer Season.