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12740 Janus Ave
Sparta, WI, 54656
United States


A summary of past Club events and activities

5-Stand Shoot a Success


The Club conducted its first Monthly 5-Stand Shoot on February 2, 2013.  A total of 44 shooters participated, despite the chilly temperatures, and had a great time knocking down the clays. 

5-Stand can best be described as a cross between trap and sporting clays. In it the shooter is presented with 5 targets at each stand.  Targets are launched per a set menu, the menu is posted at each shooting stand, and come at the shooter in a single, report pair, and true pair format.  The clays come at the shooter from several different directions and include crossing, incoming, and outgoing targets. 

The club conducts weekly 5-Stand Shooting on Tuesday afternoon and evening, beginning at 4 pm, and will conduct a second Saturday shoot on March 2, 2013.  Come and join us.