Sparta Area Cancer Society Fundraiser
Over Aug 22-23, 2015, the club raised approximately $1000 for donation to the Sparta Area Cancer Society (SACS).
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A summary of past Club events and activities
Filtering by Tag: Thanks
Over Aug 22-23, 2015, the club raised approximately $1000 for donation to the Sparta Area Cancer Society (SACS).
Read MoreThe club has constructed a roof over the 100 yard range firing line to provide shade and protection against inclement weather for shooters.
This new roof covers the entire firing line and will increase the comfort of all users. The roof is a major improvement.
Special thanks go to Dale Simonson, Jon Giraud, Jeff Jerde, Pat Peck, Gordy Weber, and Bill Teoli for their efforts in constructing the roof. Special thanks also go out to Rich, who donated the metal roofing for the job.
Constuction took about 150 man hours to complete over the period of a week and was completed well under budget. Our plan is to construct another shooting shelter over the pistol/50 yard range in 2014. Again, thanks to all who assisted in this major undertaking.
The club sponsored a youth deer hunt on October 6-7, 2012. Kegan Rodgers of Sparta was selected by the club as this year's youth hunter. He, along with John Giraud successfully harvested a nice doe on Sunday afternoon after spending the better part of two days in a blind. Kegan spotted the deer late Sunday afternoon and took it down with a single shot. This shot was the culmination of several weeks of shooting practice with John Giraud. Special thanks go to John for making this event a rousing success. His willingness to work through the challenging paperwork, coordinating with DNR personnel, and working with Kegan set the conditions for a successful hunt. Additional thanks go to Tom's Custom Meats for donating the processing. The club received a thank you letter from Kegan Rodgers along with pictures. Kegan's letter reads as follows:
“Thank you for the great youth hunt weekend. I had a lot of fun hunting for the 2 days with John my mentor and now great friend. This was my first time hunting and was very lucky to have seen the deer when we did. It was almost time to be done. Then she showed herself and I took the shot. I just can’t stop smiling. Thank you for letting me take part in this mentor program for the youth. Not only has this made me a hunter it also has given me a new friend. I have learned so much from John. Thank you!”
Kegan Rodgers with his deer, Youth Deer Hunt Oct 6-7, 2012