Shotgun Shooting Sports Simulator
The club has purchased a Shooting Sports Simulator and installed it in the lower club house. The system, from DryFire USA, allows shooters to practice Trap, Sporting Clays, and Skeet shooting indoors. This simulator allows a shooter to practice the various shotgun disciplines using his or her own shotgun, a laser designator, and a trigger switch assembly.
The laser and switch assembly are temporarily mounted on the shooter's shotgun. Once mounted the shooter can then engage a variety of targets just as if they were shooting outdoors. The only thing missing is the cost of ammunition and the recoil.
One club shooter, who has already used the system commented that he simply fired the shotgun just as if he was on the outdoor trap field. The Dry Fire System we purchased also allows the club to conduct squad shooting for up to five shooters at a time.
If you want to see the system in operation come to the club house on any Tuesday evening and bring your favorite shotgun. The simulator will also be set up for the 5 Stand Fun Shoot on February 2, 2013.