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12740 Janus Ave
Sparta, WI, 54656
United States


A summary of past Club events and activities

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Couples Fun Night


The club held the annual Couples Fun Night on Saturday, February 16, 2013. A total of 35 couples enjoyed an outstanding prime rib dinner prepared by Moe Amundson.  The night's entertainment consisted of several raffles, and good conversation with other club members and their families. 

Special thanks alsoo out to Jim and Jenice Suhr, Bob Ealey, and others who took the time to set up and run this outstanding event.

Rinehart 100


The R-100 Archery event conducted at the Sparta Rod and Gun club was a success.  This is the seventh time the club has hosted this event and it continues to grow in attendance. 

Special thanks go out to all of the volunteers who make this happen through their efforts and support.  Look for additional postings about this event over the next several weeks.

100 Bird Trap Shoot and Sporting Clays Fundraiser


The club had a successful Trap and Sporting Clays 100 Bird Shoot on August 25 and 26, 2012.  The event included a 100 Bird Trap shoot on Saturday and Doubles Trap shoot on Sunday.  Sporting Clays conducted a 100 bird course on both Saturday and Sunday. 

Approximately 60 shooters participated in the weekend's activities.  A special thanks go out to all of the volunteers who made this shoot a success.  

Wednesday Night Archery


Once again the club is sponsoring a Wednesday Night Indoor Open Archery Shoot. Cost is $5.00 per night and the program will run through to spring. So bring your bows, check your pride, and have a good time shooting with other like minded sportsmen. The shoot takes place in the lower club house and begins at 5 pm on Wednesday nights.

Sight-In Clinic


The 2011 Sight-In clinic was a success.  Some two dozen hunters participated and several volunteers assisted those hunters.  One hunter sent a thank you note indicating he had not hunted in over 15 years and was surprised when he was able to zero his weapon with only one adjustment. 

Volunteers assisted the shooters by spotting rounds and providing recommended changes to scope settings.  Thanks go out to Ray Weibel for heading up this event, in spite of some personal challenges, and to the half dozen volunteers who assisted in making this annual event a success.

Pheasant Release


In October the Club released approximately 200 pheasants to provide local sportsmen with the opportunity to harvest pheasants. At least two hunters were successful in taking a few birds and one sent a thank you note. That hunter's own words best some up the success of the pheasant release program.

I would like to thank the Sparta Rod and Gun Club for stocking the public hunting land with Pheasants. This was the first time I had ever gone pheasant hunting and had a great time. I would not have had this experience if the Club didn’t take the time and effort to stock public land
— Chris Davis

Chris sent us a picture of his hunting partner, their two companions, and the fruits of his hunt. More pictures of the Pheasant Release are on the gallery page.

Disabled Deer Hunt a Success


Leslie Hauck, this years selected disabled hunter successfully harvested a deer during the 2011 Disabled Deer Hunt sponsored by the Sparta Rod & Gun Club.  He was assisted by Chet Huber and the two of them had a perfect western Wisconsin fall day. 

Pictures are posted on the photo album page.  Congratulations to Leslie Hauck and thanks to Chet Huber for assisting him. 

Special thanks also go to Tom's Custom Meats for donating the meat processing and to the anonymous club member who donated the deer tag for Leslie Hauck.

Club Fundraiser Shoot


The Sparta Rod & Gun Club will conduct a fundraiser shoot on August 27-28, 2011 at the club grounds. Activities will include 100 bird Individual Open Trap Shoot and Sporting Clays 100 bird Shoot on Saturday.  On Sunday activities include 2 Person Team Trap Shoot, with open shooting after the team shoot is completed, and 100 bird Sporting Clays Course. The club will also host youth events which include fishing in the Trout Pond for children 12 and under, and a Youth Bow Shoot (16 yrs and under). The Black River Bass Masters will sponsor the fishing activity. Food will also be served in the Trap Building and will include Brats, Hot Dogs, and BBQ.

Rinehart 100 Shoot


The recently completed Rinehart 100 (R-100) archery shoot was a rousing success.  Over 700 archers from across the country, and at least one from overseas, competed in the event. 

The "Archery Guys" once again did an outstanding job in running this event.  Additional information, including pictures, will be posted on the Archery page soon.  Watch for them.