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12740 Janus Ave
Sparta, WI, 54656
United States


A summary of past Club events and activities

Filtering by Tag: Pheasant Release

Pheasant Release


In October the Club released approximately 200 pheasants to provide local sportsmen with the opportunity to harvest pheasants. At least two hunters were successful in taking a few birds and one sent a thank you note. That hunter's own words best some up the success of the pheasant release program.

I would like to thank the Sparta Rod and Gun Club for stocking the public hunting land with Pheasants. This was the first time I had ever gone pheasant hunting and had a great time. I would not have had this experience if the Club didn’t take the time and effort to stock public land
— Chris Davis

Chris sent us a picture of his hunting partner, their two companions, and the fruits of his hunt. More pictures of the Pheasant Release are on the gallery page.