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12740 Janus Ave
Sparta, WI, 54656
United States


A summary of past Club events and activities

Filtering by Category: Announcement

Club Donates Money to Freedom Flights


The club is happy to once again help with this worthwhile endeavor and has donated money toward the Veterans Freedom Flights for the second year in a row. Our donation will cover the cost of flying a Veteran to Washington DC for a day.

Disabled Deer Hunt


Mr Leslie Hauck has been selected as this years club sponsored Hunter for the 2011 Disabled Deer Hunt.  Special thanks go to the anonymous club member who donated the funds to purchase Mr Hauck's Deer Permit. 

Thanks also go to Tom's Custom Meats for agreeing to process a harvested deer. Chet Huber will work with Leslie Hauck over the period of the hunt on October 8-9, 2011. 

Club Fundraiser Shoot


The Sparta Rod & Gun Club will conduct a fundraiser shoot on August 27-28, 2011 at the club grounds. Activities will include 100 bird Individual Open Trap Shoot and Sporting Clays 100 bird Shoot on Saturday.  On Sunday activities include 2 Person Team Trap Shoot, with open shooting after the team shoot is completed, and 100 bird Sporting Clays Course. The club will also host youth events which include fishing in the Trout Pond for children 12 and under, and a Youth Bow Shoot (16 yrs and under). The Black River Bass Masters will sponsor the fishing activity. Food will also be served in the Trap Building and will include Brats, Hot Dogs, and BBQ.

Rinehart 100 Shoot


The recently completed Rinehart 100 (R-100) archery shoot was a rousing success.  Over 700 archers from across the country, and at least one from overseas, competed in the event. 

The "Archery Guys" once again did an outstanding job in running this event.  Additional information, including pictures, will be posted on the Archery page soon.  Watch for them.

Access to Forest County Lands


In November 2010 the club drafted a letter to the Monroe County Board of Supervisors concerning access to county lands in New Lyme. That letter outlined our concern with the limited access to county forest lands located in New Lyme.  Specifically, we stated our opposition to the blocking of the access road off Birch Road.  

On November 15, 2010Ray Weibel presented this letter during a meeting with county officials.  As a result of Ray's and the Club's efforts the county agreed to allow full access to the area in question for the balance of archery and Gun Deer seasons.  Our thanks go out to Ray for taking the time to present the club's concerns and to the county for understanding the needs of the local sportsman.