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12740 Janus Ave
Sparta, WI, 54656
United States


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  • Sparta Rod & Gun Club 12740 Janus Avenue Sparta, WI, 54656 United States (map)

Come out and demo some of the most popular suppressors on the market. We will have a wide variety of suppressors and firearms to choose from at the event.

This is a family event so feel free to bring the whole family. Our staff will be on hand to answer any questions about the demo products or explain the process to purchase a NFA item.

Any suppressor order made and paid in full will be discounted 10%.

  • Shooters are required to be Club members or purchase a $5 Day Pass. Spectators are FREE!

  • Ammunition will be sold in preloaded magazines for use in our firearms. No outside ammunition will be allowed on the range. Please do not bring your own firearms to the event. If you do, we ask that you leave them in your vehicle.

  • Food and Drinks will be available for purchase through the Sparta Rod & Gun Club.


105 N Water St

Sparta, WI  54656

(608) 633-1162

Earlier Event: September 12
Monthly Member Meeting