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12740 Janus Ave
Sparta, WI, 54656
United States


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SR&GC Youth Trapshooting Program Signup

  • Sparta Rod & Gun Club 12740 Janus Avenue Sparta, WI, 54656 United States (map)

The Sparta Rod & Gun Club is once again sponsoring its annual Youth Trapshooting Program
Designed for boys & girls ages 12 to 17 all skill levels
(Must have Hunter Safety Certificate or currently enrolled in a Hunter Safety class)
Sign up will be on the 26th of April from 5:00 to 6:00 PM in the lower clubhouse of the Sparta Rod & Gun Club
(Parent or legal guardian will need to present for sign up)
The Program will run for 5 consecutive Wednesdays starting on the 3rd of May 2017
Shotshells will be provided but each shooter must bring a suitably sized shotgun (12ga or 20ga) to shoot.
Cost for the Program is $15 and includes the "Pizza Party" on the final day of the program.
The Program is limited to 30 participants so don't miss the sign up on the 26th of April
(Sign up on the 3rd of May will be considered on a space available basis).