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12740 Janus Ave
Sparta, WI, 54656
United States


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2020 Annual Sight-In Clinic

  • Sparta Rod & Gun Club 12740 Janus Avenue Sparta, WI, 54656 United States (map)

The Sparta Rod & Gun Club will host a Sight-In Clinic on November 7, 2020 on the Club’s ranges from 8 am to 1 pm. This clinic is open to all hunters who would like to sight in scopes and deer rifles prior to the Wisconsin Gun Deer Season.

The Club will have spotting scopes available, and people to assist shooters. We will also have a representative from Big Rooster Firearms to diagnose problems with your scope or rifle. You only need to bring your rifle and ammunition. We will provide spotters and targets.

There is no charge for the clinic and the public is welcome to participate. You do not need to be a Club member to attend the clinic.

The Club will also have 2021 Annual memberships for sale during the Sight-In Clinic. 

Earlier Event: November 3
5-Stand Fun Shoot
Later Event: November 7
Weekend 5 - Stand Fun Shoot