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12740 Janus Ave
Sparta, WI, 54656
United States


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2020 Season Opener! 5-Stand Fun Shoots

  • Sparta Rod & Gun Club 12740 Janus Avenue Sparta, WI, 54656 United States (map)

Come Join the fun! Tuesday mid-afternoon into the evening. 5 - stand Fun Shoots will begin on the 27th of October 2020 and continue through the end of March 2021. Registration and shooting will start at 2 PM and continue into the evening. $5 per round. Refreshments available

5 Stand Shooting is a cross between Trap shooting and Sporting Clays. Shooters will see a total of 25 targets during a round and will engage 5 targets from each stand. Targets are presented from a variety of angles including crossers, out-going and incoming